Kwe! Ni’n telusi Ida Johnson Denny, Nikanus ula ESK. We’ltas’i app ikt~k newtipunkek eymek ula piley wjit ni’nen kina’matno’kuom. Kejitu lpa welta’suaqn mita klapis telamu’k etek kina’matno’kuom wutanminaq. Amkwes telamu’k kina’matnewo’kuom etek l’nue’kati’l msit. Etek pukwelk apoqnmaqn wjit lnui’suti. Msit wije’wasik etek nkutey pilue’l kina’matno’kuoml. Telte’tm na wili-pemiatow ne’wt msit wen apoqnmatk.
Iksatmukek siawi-l’nui’sulti’tij mijua’ji’j ta’n weji -sapita’jik ula Essisoqnikewey Siawa’sik-l’nuey Kina’matno’kuom. Siawa’sin -Lnui’suti Mi’kma’ki
Hi! My name is Ida Johnson Denny, Principal of ESK. I am so happy to be here in our new to us School. I know we are so grateful to have such a school in our community. This is the first immersion school in all of the Mikmaq communities. There is alot of support for the language. There is also resources like they have in all the other schools. I believe that we will have a successful outcomes with the help from all . I would like to see the Mi’kmaq Language continue when our students leave our Eskasoni Immersion School.
Mission Statement. So that the immersion students will continue to use Mi’kmaq in all our Mi’kmaq communities.